Lunar Planning for Interior Design: Full Moon

Lunar Planning for Interior Design: Full Moon

Hey hey!

It’s that time again. Last week in the Lunar Planning series we made our To Do list and started shopping. This week we’ll be taking advantage of the energy of the Full Moon.

Yep, you know the drill, let’s take a moment to review this phase of the moon. The full moon is the phase where 100% the face of the moon is illuminated. In the spiritual community this is prime Yang (action) energy. In Interior Design, we will use this time execute our project plan.

Get to Work: The time has come to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Use this active (yang) energy to clear out your space, paint, place furniture and attack whatever else you had on your To Do list.

Create a Ritual: This week take all the time you need to complete your space. Play some good music or queue up your favorite podcasts to keep you motivated. You might find that you have more energy than usual during a Full Moon. You may also find that you’re awake in the middle of the night right now, if that’s the case, don’t fight it. Use the time and energy to keep working on your space.

I’ll be back with more next week!

Lunar Planning for Interior Design: Full Moon