Taking Breaks

I took a break last week from the blog and all of my business responsibilities.

I started a new day job this week, and I wanted to use last week to relax and take care of some personal errands before returning to the 8-5 scheduled again. It felt and seems so indulgent, but the truth is I just needed it.

Whether I know you personally or not, I guarantee you need a break too. A break to refresh your mind, recharge your battery, rest your body, and reconnect with your spirit. And it would help if you did it all without any guilt.

As a natural morning person, and an introvert I burn out my battery early in the day and I'm running on fumes by the close of business. Because of this I plan breaks daily, in the evening. And I very rarely feel guilty about it. I know that when I honor my own need for space and quiet I can maximize my work day or social time, and give back the way I want to.

Oh, I still do a few things in the evening. I make dinner, I clean up the dishes, and maybe a few other small things, but nothing too complex. I typically reserve projects for weekends when I can make use of my morning energy.

Breaks aren't indulgent. They're a necessity. If you haven't taken one lately, set aside some time to do something good for yourself. Read a book, meditate, get a massage, watch reruns of Dallas on IMDB. No really, watch reruns of Dallas; it's so good!

Read a book, meditate, get a massage, watch reruns of Dallas on IMDB. No really, watch reruns of Dallas; it's so good!

Did you know that meditating in the same space helps to build good energy in that spot? Likewise, taking breaks at home helps to make your space feel like a healthy nest that will support you no matter what.