What I Really Think of Your Home


Over the years friends and family have asked me if I’m silently judging their homes when I come over. Do I seem like the Simon Cowell of house guests roaming the halls during a dinner party - “It’s a no from me”. They think I must be surely be picking apart the colors, furniture and small details.

I am not.

Oh sure, I’m taking in my surroundings and appreciating design details, especially when I visit a beautiful restaurant or hotel. But I’m rarely picking it apart, and…this is important…I’m not doing it at your house.

…at least, not the way you think I am.

I’m not silently judging your choice in carpet, paint color, or the application of the wallpaper you agonized over. I’m not even concerned with wether or not your house is “my style”. I’m usually pretty impressed by the work you’ve done - it looks nice!

It doesn’t bother me that you keep your bread on top of the toaster, I keep mine there too. I don’t expect your home to be spotless or toy-less. Just like you, my day job keeps me busy and after a long day I’m not always on top of my household chores and I remember that when I visit others.

When I’m with friends and family I’m engaged in the visit. I’m focused on them and spending some quality time together. And unless you want to show me the new design project you’re working on I don’t really turn on my “design powers”.


I see something that Makes life harder than it should be, and it’s almost always something that you inherited from the former owner or the builder. Doors that open out into a narrow hallway when they should open into The room. Awkward kitchen layouts. A second story window that you can’t reach to clean or a two-story entryway in a small house - why?!

and like the good Interior Designer that I am, my heart cries out “Who did this to you?!”

But it’s just this type of thing, the annoying, make your life harder than it should be, type of thing that drives me. Because I love helping you create spaces that work for you and make your life easier and more enjoyable.

I know how you should layout your kitchen and what size artwork to hang in that two-story entryway and I’m happy to help if you ask.

So please relax when I come over. And if you really like that hard-to-reach window on the second story, Amazon will sell you a window scrubber with an extended handle to keep it clean. I can help with that too. 😉