4 Things I Learned in 2020


Dust off the resolutions you made for 2020, and 2019, and 2018 because we’re giving it the old college try again. This is going to be our year! I know because I did like six of those Nametest things on Facebook and my predictions are looking good! 



In all seriousness though, since we’re setting our 2021 intentions (resolutions are for Boomers) I’ve been giving 2020 a good once over for lessons learned and there are some real humdingers. 

First, maintaining a sense of humor is key to getting through any hard times. Seriously. The memes this year were amazing and boy did we (I) need them!

Second, the importance of decluttering. Yeah, I think this one speaks for itself but I’ll be digging in deeper on the topic in future posts. 


Third, that isolation can’t keep negativity out or love from getting in. For years I maintained that I could achieve nirvana if I could only avoid the office. So you can imagine my joy when this nasty pandemic forced me into (what we thought would be) two weeks isolation in my adorably decorated high-rise apartment in Northern Virginia. But the morning news still had the power to stress me out about the virus, the economy, and the state of our country over all; and intermittent internet connection issues taught me how little patience my angry coworkers have on a Webex meeting. But isolation also showed me that my friends and family were determined to connect with me any way they could. I went to online Church with my family spread 3 states apart, caught up with friends from high school and my mom and her sisters organized a daily meditation Zoom call. My friends and I had Zoom and FaceTime happy hours and even one super fun steak dinner where everyone ordered takeout from DoorDash and we ate it online together. I even made some new friends thanks to a few socially distanced in-person events.


Finally, that you have to care for and about yourself even when nobody else is around. I admit that it’s been a year of yoga pants with far less yoga than the years that preceded it. I think it was sometime in summer when I realized it was time to get back into wearing my regular clothes and doing my hair and makeup again even if I wasn’t leaving the house. I realized that it just makes me feel better to look nice. And it wasn’t just about looks, I also recognized that my spirit was crying out to do what I really wanted to do in life - get back to my creative work and this blog. 

So friends, please forgive my absence while I dealt with this year and all of the twists and turns it took for me personally. I’m excited to kickoff 2021 with a clean slate, renewed enthusiasm, and tons of love and support from the people around me. Get ready for some great upcoming content, products and solutions to help you make the most of your home and the year ahead. Cheers!