5 Free Ways to Relax While You Quarantine

After braving the stores and snagging your supplies you’re probably feeling really overwhelmed right now.

While it will be tempting to power through this quarantine period with distractions its also important that we breathe and process the feelings around this scary time.

I firmly believe in processing our emotions so they don’t remain in our bodies and relaxation is a part of that process. The list I compiled doesn’t require any special equipment or supplies, just a willing participant.

  1. Meditate - I started meditating in college and I expanded my practice after school eventually learning Transcendental Meditation. Meditation is about taking a few minutes to breathe, connect to your body and be in the moment. You’re not trying to achieve enlightenment or even turn off a busy mind, you’re just taking a moment to be present and you can’t get it wrong. It’s true that if you make meditation a regular habit you’ll achieve the peace of mind and even personal enlightenment you’re seeking but for right now it’s important to interrupt the flow of negativity and remember to be present. If you’re just getting started I suggest checking out these free guided meditations. I also suggest downloading the Headspace App which does a great job of explaining what meditation is and how it works.

  2. Practice Mindful Bathing - We’re all focusing on hand washing and general hygiene but what about using our daily bathing as a mindfulness break?! As part of my normal routine I shower first thing in the morning but during stressful times I flip my schedule and practice mindful bathing at night. Sometimes it’s drawing a luxurious bubble bath for a longer soak and other days it’s taking a shower after a long day. I treat evening bathing as an opportunity to cleanse my body and spirit from the events of the day and it draws a personal boundary from work time to relaxation time. I like to include dry brushing or exfoliation as part of this self-care experience and I make sure to take as much time as i need to fully relax.

  3. Wonder Walks - If you’re able to, walking outside is a great way to destress during this time. Wonder Walks are all about walking slowly and taking in the world around us - think of it like cloud-watching in motion. Notice the beauty of the trees and flowers as you walk. Is there any wildlife in the area? Does it look like fairies might live in that tree?! Artist Amy T. Won has a beautiful instagram feed dedicated to her own Wonder Walks and the art they inspire. It’s a great way to use your imagination and encourage creativity in your little ones.

  4. Diffuse Essential Oils - I know, I know…this one goes without saying but this is game time for your essential oil diffusers. Aromatherapy won’t kill germs but it will aid in relaxation while you’re stuck at home. It’s particularly helpful to use them while meditating as the brain creates a link between the scent and the relaxation of your mind and body.

  5. Take a Nap - With all the extra time you’ll save on commuting and morning prep take a nap. You can snooze for 10 minutes or settle in for a 2 hour siesta (my personal favorite). Sleep helps us reduce stress and power up to face the unique challenges of this unprecedented nation-wide (possibly worldwide?!) quarantine.

I believe that we will come out of this challenging time stronger as a nation (and world!) if we can lean into it with the patience and kindness that I know we possess. Stay healthy, friends!