Does Your Home Have Bad Vibes?


Have you ever wondered why I named my company The Aura Home? It's because I wanted to take interior design to a deeper level. The energetic level. Most people assume that design is all about picking finishes and making a space pretty, and while that is a part of it, it's so much deeper than that. Your home, and everything, and everyone in it is surrounded by an ever-changing energy field. In living things, that field is commonly called an aura

But your home has an aura too!

Did you know that the aura of your home affects your health and well-being? Did you know that it can affect the attitudes of people who visit you? And that's just scraping the surface. The philosophy of Feng Shui goes into great detail about how energy should move through your home and what to do to improve it, but that's a conversation for another day. 

Okay, okay. By now, you might be asking what this house aura is and how do I know your home has one. It's a new-age word, but it's entirely backed by science. Let's take it back to grade school and the anatomy of an atom. 


Alright, we already know that all matter is composed of atoms. But what are atoms consisting of? Atoms consist of a central core made of protons and neutrons, and orbiting this core are electrons. Those zippy little electrons move so quickly around the core that scientists have named the faint (but visible) trail they leave behind the Electron Cloud. This cloud can have a positive or negative charge. And this is where it starts to get wild. When you smoosh together more and more atoms (forming matter), this cloud expands and can be positively or negatively charged. GASP! That's great, but what does it all mean?!

This cloud is your home's aura.

When you're talking about something as big and complex as a house - with electricity, plumbing, people, animals, furniture, and stuff (so much stuff) - you're talking about a big @$$, ever-changing aura.

Oh yeah. That organized bookshelf has an aura, but so does that pile of laundry. In today’s world, we understand that all of our stuff - the amount of it, its condition, and its organization - has a significant effect on the aura and thus our mental and physical health. This means that investing in your home is investing in your well-being. 

Now that you know that your home has an aura, rest assured that I've got a lot of great, energy-improving topics coming your way this year. I hope you'll join me so we can create a healthy, beautiful aura for your home. 

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